💡Use Cases

Protocolink offers liberation from the constraints of a single protocol, enabling users to harness the growing potential and enhanced convenience of the router as new protocols continue to emerge.

Current use cases include:

  • Lending SDK: supports mainstream lending protocols such as aave, compound, radiant, spark etc, and features such as leverage, deleverage, collateral swap, and zaps.

  • COMPOUND KIT: supports compound v3 and features such as leverage, deleverage, collateral swap, and zaps.

Potential use cases include:

  • Employing flash loans to manage lending positions and execute liquidations

  • Facilitating zap-in and zap-out functionality for any token within your apps

  • Developing a multi-send application for airdrops or asset transfers

  • Build a DEX aggregator utilizing your own algorithm

  • Creating an arbitrage bot

Additionally, developers can add new protocols to the SDK (without smart contracts) if they are not already available.

Creativity is Unlimited

By virtue of its composability, the blockchain provides you with the ability to accomplish tasks that are beyond the scope of the Web2 universe. You can use this feature to construct your own applications in a modular fashion, much like assembling Lego pieces. With our platform and your ingenuity, the potential for developing novel applications is endless.

Last updated