
The Web3Toolkit class is used to interact with RPC in order to simplify the development process. It has the following properties and methods.

  • Properties:

    • chainId: A readonly property that returns the current chain ID.

    • network: A readonly property that returns the Network object for the current chain.

    • provider: A readonly property that returns the web3 provider.

    • nativeToken: A readonly property that returns the Token class instance for the native token of the current chain.

    • wrappedNativeToken: A readonly property that returns the Token class instance for the wrapped native token of the current chain.

  • Constructor:

    • constructor(chainId, provider?): A constructor that initializes the Web3Toolkit object with a specified chainId and optional provider.

  • Instance methods:

    • getToken: A method that returns a Token class instance for the specified token or token address.

    • getTokens: A method that returns an array of Token class instances for the specified array of token addresses.

    • getBalance: A method that returns the balance of the specified account for the specified token or token address.

    • getAllowance: A method that returns the allowance of the specified account for the specified token or token address and spender.

    • getAllowances: A method that returns an array of allowances for the specified account, array of token addresses, and spender.

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