FlashLoan Logic

In this section, we will introduce four main types that are essential for implementing Flash Loan via our SDK, which can be accessed using the api. prefix:

  • FlashLoanLogicParams: This type represents the params used to configure the parameters required for making Flash Loan quote requests. By using the loans or repays parameter, you can specify the desired loan or repayment amounts.

import * as common from '@protocolink/common';

type FlashLoanLoanParams<T = object> = {
  loans: common.TokenAmounts;

type FlashLoanRepayParams<T = object> = {
  repays: common.TokenAmounts;

type FlashLoanLogicParams = FlashLoanLoanParams | FlashLoanRepayParams;
  • FlashLoanLogicFields: This type represents the fields required for FlashLoanLogic, including the unique id, loans and a boolean isLoan field.

import * as common from '@protocolink/common';

interface FlashLoanLogicFields {
  id: string;
  loans: common.TokenAmounts;
  isLoan: boolean;
  • FlashLoanFields: A type that represents the fields required for the flash loan logic.

interface FlashLoanFields {
  id: string;
  loans: {
    token: {
      chainId: number;
      address: string;
      decimals: number;
      symbol: string;
      name: string;
    amount: string;
  isLoan: boolean;
  • FlashLoanLogic: An interface that extends the Logic interface and represents the flash loan logic. It includes the rid, and fields properties.

interface FlashLoanLogic {
  rid: string;
  fields: FlashLoanFields;

For any FlashLoan-like logic, you will need to create two FlashLoan logics data with a unique ID (such as a UUID):

  • one with isLoan = true, representing the loan taken out from the protocol

  • one with isLoan = false, representing the loan repayment

Any additional logics that need to be executed during the FlashLoan process should be wrapped within these two FlashLoan logics.

Remember, the FlashLoan logic with isLoan = true should be the first one, and the FlashLoan logic with isLoan = false should be the last one.

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