Utility Functions
This section contains utility functions that can be used to perform various common operations in dApp development.
: Converts an amount in decimal units to an amount in the smallest unit of a token, given the number of decimal places. Returns a BigNumber.toBigUnit
:Converts an amount in the smallest unit of a token to an amount in decimal units, given the number of decimal places. Returns a string.
options (optional) is an object that can contain the following properties:
displayDecimals (optional): number of decimal places to include in the output string (default is the given decimals).
mode (optional): rounding mode to use ('ceil', 'round', or 'floor', default is 'floor').
:Used to convert a big unit amount into a format based on the specified
.mode (optional): rounding mode to use ('ceil', 'round', or 'floor', default is 'round').
: Calculates the maximum amount of slippage, given an amount and a slippage percentage. base (optional) is the base number used to calculate slippage (default is 10000).calcFee
: Calculates the amount of a fee, given an amount and a premium percentage. base (optional) is the base number used to calculate slippage (default is 10000).calcBps
: Calculates the amount of an asset as a basis point of the total balance.reverseAmountWithFee
: Used to reverse-calculate the original amount before the deduction of a fee from a given amount that includes the fee.shortenAddress
: Shortens an address to a specified number of digits (default is 4).shortenTransactionHash
: Shortens an transaction hash to a specified number of digits (default is 4).
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