
The Token section provides a set of functions and interfaces for interacting with tokens. It includes the following:

  • The ELASTIC_ADDRESS constant string representing the substitute address for native token.

const ELASTIC_ADDRESS = "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE";
  • The TokenObject interface representing the structure of a token object. It has the following properties:

    • chainId: The ID of the blockchain the token is on.

    • address: The address of the token.

    • decimals: The number of decimal places the token has.

    • symbol: The symbol of the token.

    • name: The name of the token.

interface TokenObject {
  chainId: number;
  address: string;
  decimals: number;
  symbol: string;
  name: string;
  • The Token class is designed to address the issues encountered in the interaction and conversion of tokens. It has the following properties and methods.

    • Properties:

      • chainId: The ID of the blockchain the token is on.

      • address: The address of the token.

      • decimals: The number of decimal places the token has.

      • symbol: The symbol of the token.

      • name: The name of the token.

    • Constructors:

      • constructor(chainId, address, decimals, symbol, name): Creates a new Token instance.

      • constructor(tokenObject): Creates a new Token instance from a TokenObject.

    • Static methods:

      • The static isNative() function returns true if the token is the native token.

      • The static isWrapped() function returns true if the token is the wrapped native token.

    • Instance methods:

      • isNative: Returns true if the token is the native token.

      • isWrapped: Returns true if the token is the wrapped native token.

      • wrapped: Returns the wrapped native token if the token is the native token, or returns the token itself.

      • unwrapped: Returns the native token if the token is the wrapped native token, or returns the token itself.

      • elasticAddress: Returns the ELASTIC_ADDRESS if the token is the native token, or return the token address itself.

      • sortsBefore: Returns true if the token sorts before the given token, based on the comparison of their addresses in lowercase.

      • toObject: Returns a TokenObject representing the token class instannce.

class Token {
  readonly chainId: number;
  readonly address: string;
  readonly decimals: number;
  readonly symbol: string;
  readonly name: string;
  constructor(chainId: number, address: string, decimals: number, symbol: string, name: string);
  constructor(tokenObject: TokenObject);
  static isNative(chainId: number, address: string): boolean;
  static isNative(token: TokenTypes): boolean;
  static isWrapped(chainId: number, address: string): boolean;
  static isWrapped(token: TokenTypes): boolean;
  is(token: TokenTypes): boolean;
  get isNative(): boolean;
  get isWrapped(): boolean;
  get wrapped(): Token;
  get unwrapped(): Token;
  get elasticAddress(): string;
  sortsBefore(token: TokenTypes): boolean;
  toObject(): TokenObject;
  • The TokenTypes type represents either a token object or an instance of the Token class.

type TokenTypes = TokenObject | Token;
  • The TokenAmountObject interface representing the structure of a token amount object. It has the following properties:

    • The token property represents a token object or Token class instance

    • The amount property is a string that represents the amount of the token.

interface TokenAmountObject {
    token: TokenTypes;
    amount: string;
  • The TokenAmountPair type representing an array with two elements. The first element is a a token object or Token class instance and the second element is a string representing the amount of token.

type TokenAmountPair = [TokenTypes, string];
  • The TokenAmount class is designed to address the issues encountered in the interaction and conversion of token amounts. It has the following properties and methods.

    • Properties:

      • token: A Token class instance.

      • amount: A string representing the amount of token.

    • Constructors:

      • constructor(token, amount?): Creates a new TokenAmount instance.

      • constructor(tokenAmountObject): Creates a new TokenAmount instance from a TokenAmountObject.

      • constructor(tokenAmountPair): Creates a new TokenAmount instance from a TokenAmountPair.

      • constructor(tokenAmount): Creates a new TokenAmount instance from an existing TokenAmount instance.

    • Instance methods:

      • amountWei: Returns the amount of tokens in wei.

      • set: Sets the amount property.

      • setWei: Sets the amount property in wei.

      • add: Adds amount.

      • addWei: Adds amount in wei.

      • sub: Subtracts amount.

      • subWei: Subtracts amount in wei.

      • isZero: Returns true if the amount property is zero.

      • eq: Returns true if the amount property is equal to the given token amount.

      • gt: Returns true if the amount property is greater than the given token amount.

      • gte: Returns true if the amount property is greater than or equal to the given token amount.

      • lt: Returns true if the amount property is less than the given token amount.

      • lte: Returns true if the amount property is less than or equal to the given token amount.

      • toObject: Returns a TokenAmountObject representing the token amount class instance.

      • clone: Returns a new TokenAmount instance with the same token and amount as the current instance.

  • getNativeToken: A function that takes in a chainId and returns a Token class instance representing the native token of the corresponding blockchain network.

  • getWrappedNativeToken: A function that takes in a chainId and returns a Token class instance representing the wrapped native token of the corresponding blockchain network.

  • sortByAddress: A function that takes in an array of Token, TokenObject, TokenAmount, or TokenAmountObject objects, and sorts them in ascending order based on their respective addresses. The sorted array is then returned.

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